

There is a quick tree in the yard.

It claps its branches

while the dog barks at a wind

it does not know can speak

the languages of leaves tucked

into twigs that reach

life underground, where it went

to hide from the snow.

And if I turn my head, the leaves

will crawl out like babies

racing for a toy while the dog

barks endlessly

at the wind it cannot understand.





Hay un árbol veloz en el patio.

Aplaude sus ramas

mientras el perro ladra al viento

no sabe que puede hablar

los idiomas de las hojas escondidas

en ramitas que alcanzan

la vida bajo tierra, a donde fue

para esconderse de la nieve.

Y si giro la cabeza, las hojas

se arrastrarán como bebés

corriendo por un juguete mientras el perro

ladra sin cesar

al viento que no puede entender.


~ These poems were translated by Maria Lander Cabrere and Eileen LaFontaine. They were narrated by Maggie Gagliardi and Alejandra Camacho.

“Spring” was published in 2020 in “Children We Are” (May 2020, Poets Unite Worldwide).

Steven R. Vogel has been writing poetry since childhood. He has lived and worked on farms, in villages, in midsized cities, and in metropolitan areas. He is a graduate of Bemidji State U. and Mayo Medical School and has worked in medicine and academia for more than four decades.