

Look, the sunflowers

are reaching,

vying to outdo

one another


in the quest for light.

The tallest one,

first to unfurl,

reigns over the others.


Softly it hums

as gilded petals


“Stretch, grow,


spiral heavenward.

Offer up

your seeds. Transform

into goldfinch song.”





Mira, los girasoles

están alcanzando,

compitiendo por superar

los unos a los otros


en busca de la luz.

El mas alto

primero en desplegar,

reina sobre los demás.


Suavemente tararea

mientras pétalos dorados


“Estírate, crece,


sube en espiral hacia el cielo.


tus semillas. Transfórmate

en la canción del jilguero “.


~ These poems were translated by Maria Lander Cabrere and Eileen LaFontaine. They were narrated by Maggie Gagliardi and Alejandra Camacho.


A poet and a public school teacher, Julie Martin lives near the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers. Her poetry has appeared in several online journals, most recently: The Talking Stick, Plants and Poetry, Optopia, Mothers Always Write, Thimble Literary Magazine, and Gravitas.