Come to the cabin and celebrate poetry! Each poet should bring food and at least a thirty minute program. This can be a writing workshop, talk on writing forms, a reading from a famous poet. Let your imagination run wild! Be sure and bring your own poems for many sessions of “read-arounds”.
Casual dress, you may be asked to deliver your program in the woods or on the beach. Bring a swimsuit and long sleeves to fight off mosquitoes in the evening. You may be asked to share a room with a roommate. There are a number of stairs in and around the cabin. You do not need to bring linens or towels. Everyone pitches in with the clean up.
Please let me know arrival plans and what you want to bring for your food so I can coordinate rooms, food etc, the earlier the better! Most participants arrive sometime on Thursday afternoon or early Friday. We ask local poets to come and go each day.
To RSVP, Email Sue Chambers at schambersmediator@yahoo.com